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A Cut Above

Here’s a myth – a dull knife is safer than a sharp one. 

Kingston is here to tell you that is FALSE! With a dull blade, more force is needed to make a cut, which increases the risk of an accident. Sharper blades are safer, and let’s be honest, they’re also a lot more convenient and time-saving.

KREM has a solution to your dull knife problem: A Cut Above! 

A Cut Above is a local Brookline business, owned & operated by Scott, Le Rémouleur. 

Throughout his years of experience, he’s discovered that most knife sharpening techniques can be rough, damaging and reducing the blade’s life. Scott has implemented a method for sharpening any blade (without damaging it) that is absolutely flawless.

Using natural Japanese waterstones selected specifically for your blade, he can refine the cutting edge with much less material removed. It results in a more durable and longer lasting edge.

At A Cut Above, you can get sharpened on the same day and have it delivered! All appointments are scheduled through his online schedule, so book now! He offers sharpening services not only for kitchen knives, but also for scissors, cleavers, hunting knives, and more.