We’re typically not overly nostalgic at @kingston.rem. Matter of fact, we love taking advantage of the technological advances that have been made with communication, marketing, etc. But you just can’t deny the quality and workmanship of good old fashioned, handmade tools and goods. Today’s #kingstonlocal feature, Boston General Store, brings us back to those times in an unforgettable way.
We’ve all at one time in our lives wanted to harken back to the times when things were built right.
Sturdy– when you touched it, you felt it.
Familiar– the taste, smell, feel, sound brought you home.
Simple– it functioned exactly how you needed it to and in the best way. Nothing more, nothing less.
BGS’s owner April Gabriel has created a store where our mind wander back to a time when items were well-made and celebrate timeless pieces created to last. At Boston General Store you can find everything from home goods to vintage clothing. From barware to backpacks. All crafted by makers who April says “…share the same dedication for moving passed the generation of disposability.” Furthermore, in the spirit of the traditional general stores of past, they strive to develop a connection with the local communities they serve. BGS is truly a special place and a treasure to have here in Coolidge Corner.
Boston General Store is located at 305 Harvard St. in Coolidge Corner, Brookline. Give them a follow @bostongeneralstore and we also urge you to pay them a visit. Don’t just pop in- spend some time there and soak it in. Perhaps you’ll find a special, everlasting piece for you and yours that will last for years to come.
#kingstonlocal #generalstore#communityfirst #keepitlocal#coolidgecorner #brookline